Blackberry bold 9000 loading 70% restart tested by me

Blackberry bold 9000 loading 70% restart tested by me if u have blackberry phone and your phone problem 70% loading restart problem i have this problem many time tested solution see my diagram and try this step by step  
this problem manual 1st try to your phone firmware update means flash your phone i hope done but not done 2nd time to try my solution without working ic solved your phone this problem only jumper 1 line solved your phone 100% and don't forget visit my blog.

Blackberry Bold 9000 LED Light LCD jumber ways Solution

Blackberry Bold 9000 lcd light lcd jumper ways solution many time water damage phone light not working phone i have this problem 100% working solution see my solution step by step i think solved your phone blackberry bold 9000 led problem only jumper done
see this problem blackberry bold  9000 solution without ic only jumper done 100% working many time tested by me see this and try to jumper working 100% and don't forget visit my blog.

Blackberry 9900 cellular phone usb repair solution

Blackberry 9900 cellular phone usb repair solution if u have this model phone all run ok but only 1 problem this phone usb not connect and usb pluging not charge phone i have this problem many time tested solution see my solution i think u like my solution blackberry 9900 usb line damage solution ,blackberry usb line pint damage solution, blackberry usb not working solution ,blackberry usb not working repair guide solution ,blackberry usb not connect charging solution ,blackberry usb line damage line guide tips and tricks all solution working ,blackberry 9900 usb line not working without ic only jumper 100% working solution see
 see this red mark link and try step by step jumper solved your phone usb problem many time tested this solution only try this jumper ways if u need tested jumper solution try this solved your phone usb charging problem and don't forget visit my blog.

Blackberry 9900 only red light battery solution

Blackberry 9900 only red light battery solution if u have this blackberry model put in set battary but set not on only red light and again off your phone i have manual and final solution this problem see my solution and try step by step
1st try this full set firmware update i hope solved your phone blackberry red light solution but not solve see 2nd try this solution
see this diagram and try my solution step by step i think solved your phone 100% see red mark all guide and try to 1st and 2nd step 100% working this solution tested many time me this solution and don't forget visit my blog .

Blackberry 9900 cellular phone mic repair solution

Blackberry 9900 cellular phone mic repair solution if u have blackberry phone and this phone problem mic not working i have tested repair solution see my solution i have this problem working blackberry 9900 mic line damage solution,mic not working repair guide ,mic line damage jumper guide,mic line problem without ic working only jumper done solution
 your phone mic line damage no problem i have this blackberry 9900 mic not working repair 100% tested solution only see this diagram and try step by step your phone mic line no print all print damage no problem i have jumper solution see and enjoy it and don't forget visit my blog.

Blackberry 9900 cellular phone low microphone repair solution

blackberry 9900 cellular phone low microphone repair solution if u have this model phone and your phone problem low mic not working 100% sound i have this mic solution this solution many time tested me 
see this solution this solution working blackberry mic not working solution low sound solution mic line damage solution,mic line jumper solution many solution working this diagram see and enjoy it 
1st check red mark daid check and change i think solved your blackberry phone 9900 low mic solution and don't forget visit my blog.

Blackberry 9900 cellular phone keypad repair solution

blackberry 9900 cellular phone keypad repair solution if u have this model phone blackberry and this phone problem keypad not working full hang any key not working i have this problem 100% working solution see my solution guide i think solved your phone keypad problem
 see all red mark and try this step by step many time working me this step and i hope solved your phone blackberry 990 keypad problem all solve i think u try this i working now your phone 
and don't forget visit my blog.

Blackberry 9900 ear speaker not working line damage ways solution

Blackberry 9900 ear speaker not working line damage ways solution if u have blackberry phone all ok only problem of your phone ear speakers i have this problem 100% working solution many time tested me this solution try my repair solution guide 
1st check your phone all ear speakers line i hope all ok ,2nd time check your ear speaker than speaker is ok and now try my solution only see step by step this solution working for without ic only jumper line 100% working blackberry 9900 ear not working solution try to jumper and solved your problem blackberry line damage same problem try my solution this solution working model 9900 all ear speakers solution and don't forget visit my blog.

Blackberry 9900 camera not working solution

Blackberry 9900 camera not working solution many water damage phone after camera on camera not working i have this problem 100% working solution for camera see this diagram and try step by step many phone tested this solution after phone on ok but camera on not open camera on full hang phone nay key not work i have tested solution see
 tested solution this diagram see red ic and remove this 2 ic only jumper 1 ic i think solved your phone camera problem mant time tested me this solution only try step to step solve your mobile phone blackberry 9900 camera problem and don't forget visit my blog.

Blackberry 9900 bt warless not working solution

Blackberry 9900 bluetooth warless not working solution this problem many time bluetooth not working after bluetooth on but set display few time auto display white and hang not show display this problem think 100% bluetooth not working and your phone bluetooth ic damage ot working try my solution 100% working my solution many phone tested me this solution try this
see this diagram and see red link solution 1st try this all ic reheat i think solved your phone problem but not solve try 2nd step all red link ic re-boll and change this all ic 100% working again your phone bluetooth warless see and enjoy it

Blackberry 9900 cellular phone battery connecter repair ways solution

Blackberry 9900 cellular phone battery connecter repair ways solution many time phone battery connector line damage no have line for phone this problem have working solution only see my solution and try this jumper i think 100% working your battery connector problem solved and again working phone 
this solution my phone solved this solution try this blackberry 9900 battery connector not working connect battery with phone but not on phone this problem solved my solution see my solution blackberry 9900 battery connector line damage solution blackberry battery connector guide solution blackberry battery in but not on phone solution try step by step 100% solved your problem.