Nokia 3720C Earpiece Speaker solution - No Earpiece Audio Sounds Repair solution

Here's the solution for nokia 3720 classic Earpiece speaker problem, If the earpiece speaker is good and need to have a quick check on the connected components, this solution shows the particular components that may possibly damaged and will result to no audio sounds output over the earpiece speaker.Nokia 7510s - for Display problem solution

Nokia 3720c Earpiece Speaker components circuit location 
( Earpiece speaker problem repair)
You may check or by then replace those corresponding SMD components such as filter coils, resistors and capacitors.

Nokia 3720C Hands Free, Ringer loud speaker repair solution

nokia 3720c ringer, handsfree jumper ways tracks

Here's the solution for nokia 3720 classic hands free, ringer loud speaker problem repair. The solution shows the particular components may need to check after ensuring that the loud speaker is working and in good condition.Nokia 5610 Display Solution - Hardware repair solution
3720c Hands Free, Ringer loud speaker repair solution

If the loud is speaker is okay but there is no audio sound output can be heard when activating handsfree or ringtone, you may check and by then replace those pasricular components indicated on the solution picture. Those components is composed of a filter coils and ESD protection resistor. Check also the line tracks of each corresponding connection.

Nokia 3720C Mic, mouthpiece microphone repair solution

here's a solution that may help repair a Nokia 3720 classic microphone failure. The solution shown below will help you guide to check and trace the components and tracks for the microphone circuit on Nokia 3720 classic.Nokia 7510s Microphone Failure solution on

Nokia 3720c Mic, mouthpiece microphone problem solution 
(microphone failure repair)
nokia 3720c mic jumper ways solution

before trying to replace a new DigiMic microphone first try to trace the line paths od digimic supply voltage and the DigiMic clock and then the corresponding chip resistors that is mounted near to it, the three resistors has a resistance value of 100 ohms each.

Nokia 3710 fold Not charging solutions - charging problem repair guide

Here's the solution may help repair a damaged Nokia 3710 fold such as Charger No Response and Charger Not Supported problem issues. This solution shows particular components may possibly damaged and result to not charging problems.Nokia 7510s supernova insert sim card problem solution

The first solution below cover for charger no response repair. If  a good and working charger is being plug-in and shows no charging indications on the LCD screen display, this solution below will help you locate the  components that holds the charger voltage like the chip SMD fuse, SMD filter coil and the chip voltage rectifier diode and filter capacitors. This is the charging protection circuit, before it get through to the charging control circuit.
You may check the chip fuse if it's busted or open, then check the diode if shorted or not, replace both  if found damaged.

Nokia 3710f Charger No response solution (Not charging repair)
nokia 3710 charger not supported

This next solution below is for Charger not supported problem repair guide. The solution below shows a certain component parts that holds for the battery temperature indications in the circuit. This resistor is called a BTEMP resistor and has a resistance value of 47 kilo-ohms. It is a thermistor type of a resistor, the resistance value varies when heat is applied. And when damaged it will result to charger not supported problem. By only replacing it will fix the charging problem.

Nokia 3710 fold charger not supported solution ( Charging problem repair)
nokia 3710 fold charger not supported

Nokia 5630 keypad Keys and button switches failure solution- keypad Ic jumper ways

Here's the solution and guide to repair Nokia 5630 Xpressmusic keypad keys malfunction. This solution completely shows the line tracks of each corresponding keypad keys for easy tracing and repair method.
On Nokia 5630 keypad circuit, there are two ESD-EMI filter chips has been used and connected to the keypad keys group of particular connections. Each  inner and outer core layer of keypad matrix is being group in one particular connection. Nokia C3 Qwerty Keypads Ways and Solution

5630 Keypad IC and Keypad connection Jumper Solution
nokia 5630 keypad Ic jumper ays tracks

Grouped Key line configuration and connection to the pin connector:

Keypad Outer Core layer:

Line 1 connected to pin number 10 -  Volume up, 1, 2, 3, Right soft key
Line 2 connected to pin number 8   - Volume down, 4, 5, 6, Left soft key
Line 3 connected to pin number 7   - 7, 8, 9, clear key
Line 4 connected to pin number 13 - Navigation select, *, 0, #, Application key
Line 5 connected to pin number 14 - Navigation up, Send, Camera, Navigation down
Line 6 connected to pin number 20 - Navigation right, Music key1, Music key2, Music key3, Navigation left

Keypad Inner Core layer:
Line 1 connected to pin number 15 -     Volume up, Volume down, Navigation select, Navigation up,
                                                            Navigation down
Line 2 connected to pin number 9 -       1, 4, 7, *, Send, Music key1
Line 3 connected to pin number 1 -       2, 5, 8, 0, Camera, Music key2
Line 4 connected to pin number 3 -       3, 6, 9, #, Music key3
Line 5 connected to pin number 12 -     Right soft key, Left soft key, Clear, Application, Navigation Down
Navigation Left

Nokia E63 Power On/Off and End key solution - unable to power up repair

Here's a solution dealing with Nokia E63 Power On-Off or End key malfunction. If the device will unable to power and it shows charging indication when the battery charger is plug-in this solution might help and fix the problem.

Nokia 7510s Earpiece speaker solution - PCB board component repair solution

Nokia E63 Power ON-OFF/End key line tracks
Nokia E63 Power On off key jumper ways solution

From the power/end key inner core of the keypad matrix, the line paths is connected to pin number 1 of the keypad pin connector then connected across to a 47K resistor with a ESD filter chip bypass to ground lines before it goes through to the power IC (AVILMAS)

Nokia C6 Solution Ready - QWERTY Keypad Keys connection guide

Here's the complete connection tracks of Nokia C6 QWERTY keypad keys. There are two  EMI-ESD filter chips and a  control IC, some sort of keypad data signal encoder are used in the keypad connections.

Nokia 7510s Intgrated Hands Free mode loud speaker solution

C6 keypad keys connection layout
Nokia c6 keypad Ic jumper ways solution
The C6 Keypad matrix outer and inner core layer connections configuration:

Keypad Inner core layer  are all connected to EMI filter 1
Line 1  - Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I  or ( numeric 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
Line 2  - A, S, D, F, G, H, J, K  or ( numeric  - + #)
Line 3  -  Z, X, C, V, N, M, comma
Line 4  - Fn, Right shift, Sym, Ctrl, @, space, &, ?
Line 5  -  O, P, L, Backspace, Period, Enter, Left shift or ( numeric 9 0 )
Line 6  -  Up, Down, Left, Right, Select

Keypad Outer core layer are all connected to EMI filter 2
Line 1 - Q, A, Z, Fn, O and Volume up switch button
Line 2 - W, S, X, Right shift, P and Volume down  switch button
Line 3 - E, D, C, Symbol, L, Up
Line 4 - R, F, V, Control, Backspace, DownLine 5 - T, G, N, @, Period, Left

Line 6 - Y, H, M, Space, Enter, Right
Line 7 - U, J, comma, &, Left shift
Line 8 - I, K, period, Question mark

If all corresponding keys doesn't  work on each group of line connection the problem may lies on on the Keypad EMI filter IC.
If only one or up to three keys won't work or not responding the problem may only lies on the line connection that possibly being cut or open paths.
And if tried to replace a new EMI-ESD Filter IC and all the connections line paths is okay, but the problem still exists the next option is to rework or by then replace the keypad control IC marked with number 3. 

Nokia 5630 On-OFF key failure solutions - jumper ways

Here's simple solution that might help to solve and fix nokia 5630 ON and OFF key failure. If the device show charging indication when the battery microusb charger is plug-in but won;t power up when the power key is press. This solution shows some components and line paths of the power key that might caused the problem.

Nokia 7510s Unable to charge repair solution

Nokia 5630 ON-OFF/End call key solution (power key jumper ways)
You can use this solution guide to trace the power key line tracks from the keypad membrane matrix down to the pin connector and particular certain components that might get damaged. In the solution above, there are components composed of a SMD capacitor and an ESD filter chip, you may check these particular components also and replace if found faulty.

Nokia 5630 Earpiece and Integrated Hands Free Speaker Sounds Failure Solution

These are the solution for 5630 xpressmusic audio sounds output failures such no ringtones can be heard, no earpiece and loud speaker sounds can be heard.
This covers both for earpiece speakers and integrated hands free loud speaker failures.

For beginners: Ensure that the speaker is perfectly check and test and found working okay before using this guides below.

This first solution is for earpiece speaker sounds output failure, you check and replace thos components highlighted on the picture after ensuring that the speaker is working fine but still no sounds can be heard. This components are composed of filter coil and ESD filter chip.

Nokia 2710NE charger not supported solution

nokia 5630 earpiece speaker jumper ways solution

The second below solution is for integrated hands free speaker failure; If the below components is damaged these may result to no ringtone and mp3 music can be heard when playing.

nokia 5630 no ringtone and music sounds solutions
Each components were composed of SMD (surface mount) filter coils. You may check the continuity of this coils and replace if found damaged. The line tracks connection is indicated on colored lines. You may also trace this line paths for further troubleshooting.

Nokia 5630 Charger no response solution - not charging repair guide

Here's a simple solution guide to fix and repair nokia 5630 charging problem. The picture below shows the location of the chip fuse and chip diode that holds the voltage from the battery charger.

Nokia 7210 Supernova Insert Sim Card Problem solution

Nokia 5630 Charger No response solution ( charging problem repair)

You may check and replace this components if the device has no charger response indication when the charger is being plug-in.

Nokia 5320XM Charger not supported and charger no response solution

Here's a two solution for charging problem related issues on nokia 5320 expressmusic mobile phones.

If the device unable to charge up and indicates charger no response you may used this solution guide below for locating the chip fuse, filter coil, chip diode and filter capacitors. 

Nokia 5800 xpressmusic Solution to fix Side key switches and button on

Nokia 5320 Charger no response solution ( charging problem repair)
 For charger not supported issues this solution guide below shows the location of the Btemp thermistor that has a value of 47K. you may replace this said components to fix Nokia 5320 charger not supported problem.

Nokia 5320 charger not supported solution ( charging problem repair)

Nokia 7230 solutions ready: Charger No Response repair guide

Here's the ready made solutions may help to fix and repair on Nokia 7230 if charger no response occurred when  a battery charger is plug-in.

Nokia 5800 xpressmusic damaged Power ON-OFF switch jumper ways

Nokia 7230 charging problem solution ( charger no response repair)
nokia 7230 charging problem jumper ways solution

Just locate the particular components on the bottom side of the PCB board. From the charger pin positive terminal pads the  voltage feeds across to a chip fuse, filter coil, chip diodes and filter capacitors. Just configure how the voltage line paths flow across to these components and check for continuity and possible short circuit. Replace components if found damaged or busted.

Nokia 5130 LCD Display jumper ways solution

Here's the LCD Display line paths tracing guide for heavy a and deep troubleshooting Nokia 5130 LCD Screen Display problem such white screen, blue screen, blank or black screen, garbled and saturated screen displays. This solution shows the exact location where each corresponding LCD pin connector connected to a particular components for easy line tracing procedures.

This first solution shows the voltage supply to the LCD display module that feeds to the pin connector. You may check, trace this particular voltages first.this also includes the LCD display backlight LED corresponding current and voltage pin configuration. If this voltages are not present this will also result to display problem issues.

Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1616 Solution to fix Charger Not Supported on

Nokia 5310 Xpressmusic LCD display supply voltage 
and baclight LED's pin connections
nokia 5130 LCD display LED backlight pin connection

And this solution corresponds to each and every LCD display data signals connection to the pin connector that being feeds from the application processor (CPU IC) through to the LCD display module.

 Nokia 5130 LCD display pin connection configuration ( display jumper ways  )
nokia 5130 LCD display pin connector jumper ways solution

All these lines is connected to an Filter chip resistors that have a resistance value of 33 ohms per each resistor.You may check, trace, replace this particular chip resistor if found damaged. And if found an open line paths, just try to manage applying a jumper wire on it for that is the only option.

Nokia 5130 keypad solution, keys and switches connection tracing guide for repair

Here's the Nokia 5130 complete keypad solution, this solution shows each certain keypad key connections including the button switches such as the volume up and volume down control buttons and also the MP3 player button switches such as the Start/stop, forward and rewind button switches.

The solution may help repair and fix nokia 5130 keypad malfunction and button switches failure. You may check, trace particular keys which are not able to function by using the repair guide below. Each group of colors indicates that they are connected with each other. So just locate where that particular non working key being connected and mend it found cut or open.

Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1616 Power ON-OFF switch Key Line paths for Nokia working solution

Nokia 5130 xpressmusic keypad keys malfunction full tracing solution
nokia 5130 keypad key jumper ways full tracks

The Power ON/OFF key is isolated and not connected to other group of key connection for it only holds for switching or powering up the device. There is an open spots near the keypad filter IC that the power ON and OFF key can be connected when the power key fails or or if the line is cut or open.

Nokia 5130 ON-OFF power key jumper ways 
nokia 5130 power on and off jumper ways

And here's the internal connection of the keypad filter IC, you may check and apply a temporary jumper on this components to ensure that the inner line paths from the application processor is not being damaged.

Nokia 5130 keypad filter IC jumper ways 
nokia 5139 keypad filter Ic jumper ways

Nokia 5130 insert Sim Card Problem solution

Here's the full tracing line paths for repairing Nokia 5130 xpressmusic Insert sim card problem. This solution shows the primary tracks paths for tracing the sim connector pin to the inner part of the circuit component such as the power IC(AVILMAS)
This guide may help fix  insert sim card that shown on the LCD screen display even when tried inserting any kind of well working sim card on it

Nokia 2710 Navigation Edition Hands Free Speaker problem solutions

Nokia 5130 xpressmusic  Insert Sim Card solution
The highlighted spots indicated on the picture guide above is the sim voltage supply (VSIM) that is feed from a chip capacitor near the power IC. All the remaining signal such as the clock, reset and data were all connected directly to the inner solder ball bumps of the power IC. So the only way to trace this lines is to remove the power IC then reball it and inplace it back again.

Nokia 5130 Earpiece, Hands free and Ringer Speaker Solution

Here's the solution may help to fix and repair Nokia 5130 xpressmusic hands free speaker and ringtone ringer speaker failure. this repair guide shows the components might get damaged if there is no audio sounds can be heard over the speaker. But before checking and replacing those components highlighted on the picture ensure that the loud speaker is properly check and ensure that it is working fine.

Nokia X6 not charging problem issues solution how to fix Nokia

Nokia 5130 xpressmusic hands free speaker sounds failure solution

And this solution below covers for earpiece speaker problem, if there is no audio sound can be heard over the earpiece speaker make sure to check and replace the components highlighted on the picture, its only a filter coil just do a continuity check on that part. But before that ensure that the earpiece speaker is is working well fine.
Nokia 5130 xpressmusic Earpiece speaker audio sound failure solution
nokia 5130 earpiece speaker repair solution

Nokia 5130 mic problem repair solution

This solution guide may help repair Nokia 5130 mouthpiece microphone failure.

Nokia 2710 Mic, mouthpiece, microphone problem solution

nokia 5130 mic jumper ways
The components highlighted on a picture is where the microphone audio signal flow first before it feeds to the whole circuit. You may check and replace those component, it composed of a filter coil and a resistors.

Nokia 5130 Not charging solution for nokia 5130c

For a charger no response or indication when the battery charger is plug in to the nokia 5130 device, this solution may help solve the problem.

Nokia 5000 Local Mode, Test Mode Solution

nokia 5130 not charging solution
this solution may simply show which particular components to check and replace during repair. The picture guide above shows the location of the chip fuse , filter coil, filter capacitor and a protection chip diode that might damaged when the charging problem ocurred.

Nokia 5130 Xpressmusic hardware repair.

An example of this solution picture below is for memory card problem repair guide.

Nokia 5000 No Network Signal Problem Solution

Nokia 5130 MMC memory card solution
 nokia 5130 memory card problem solution

This solution packed covers the following picture guide for locating components on the following damaged hardware problem issues: MMC, bluetooth, local mode, backlight, hands free and keypad.

Nokia 5530 not charging and Charger not supported

Here's the solution for Charging problem such as not charging and charger not supported for Nokia 5530 xpressmusic. this solution shows the exact location of particular spare component mounted on thePCB board that possibly might get damaged when the problem occurred.

For 5530 Not charging problem like No response when a charger is plug-in see the picture below for it shows the charging protection circuit composed of a chip fuse, chip filter coil, chip diode and capacitors.
the charger voltage flow across to this components, from the charger plug and pin connector down to the charging IC ( BETTY. You may check this components first and replace if found damaged before trying to rework or replace the charging IC (BETTY).

Nokia E72 Not Charging Problem Repair Solution Guide

Nokia 5530 Not charging problem Solution
nokia 5530 charge jumper ways

For charger not supported related issues you may replace this battery temperature (BTEMP) thermistor components with a resistance value of 47K just located at he bottom of the main PCB board.

Nokia 5530 charger Not supported solution
nokia 5530 charger not supported repair solution
More 5530 solution to be posted.. Enjoy,  happy copying.....

Nokia 5610 keypad and switch button failure solution

Here's the solution that covers Nokia 5610 Xpressmusic keypad malfunction and switches button failure like the Camera and volume control switches.The solutions below may help fix keypads and switches button after

This first solution shows the location of an keypad EMI filter Ic that is connected to the keypad numeric keys. You can use this guide to fix numeric keypads such as 1, 2, 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9, 0-space, * and #, for this where those said keypad keys is being connected.

Nokia 1616 and Nokia 1800 repair solution Microphone problem

Nokia 5610 Numeric Keypad Keys malfunction Solution
This second solution serve as for repairing top board keys such as music slider key, 4 way navigation key and selection key, left selection key, right selection key, End key/ power key and Call / send keys.

Nokia 5610 Top Board Keys malfunction Solution

This 3rd solution is for the Camera / Auto focus  button switch failure. This shows the line paths of the switch to a particular components that as well get damaged when a malfunction occurred.

5610 Camera / Auto focus  button switch solution
And thissolution shows below is for the volume control button switches. If the volume up and volume down button failure occurred this solution might as well help to solve it.

5610 Volume up and volume down  button switch solution
 Repair tip: replace the EMI filter at once if found damaged rather than just applying jumper on it. Good job less back job.. And that's it.... enjoy!

Nokia 5610 hands free speaker failure solutions

The IHF speaker is more important part on the device since it is built and designed for playing and hearing music. This is the solution that serve as our guide in troubleshooting and repairing Nokia 5610 Xpressmusic Integrated Hands Free (IHF) Speaker failure. This problem may occurred if the IHF speaker is busted or some components of IHF speaker connection is damaged. The solution figure below will show the specific location of a particular components might get damaged if a good IHF speaker will not tend to have an audio sound output.

Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1616 Earpiece and Ringer Speaker Solution

5610 hands free speaker failure solution
nokia 5610 hands free speaker jumper ways solution
The circuit tells us how the audio signal feeds across to a corresponding components before it goes through to the IHF hands free speaker. There are four filter coils connected on each signal polarity before it goes to the speaker terminal pads, and this is the good spot where to check first after the IHF speaker. We can also check and trace the line paths even from  the internal solder ball bumps of the power IC (AVILMA) connections.

Nokia 5610 hardware repair solutions pack in software

Download this solution pack for Nokia 5610 hardware damaged repair, just like this picture below that shows a particular component that might help solve a camera switch failure.

Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1616 Keypad and LCD Display backlight LED failure solution

 This solution is packed in  software packaged and covers the following solutions for Nokia 5610 Xpressmusic: Not charging problem,handsfree, keypad failure, LCD backlight LED, Microphone problem, Power On off  jumper ways and memory card related problem issues.

nokia 7510s led back light failure on LCD screen display and keypad solution

A failure of LED backlight on the LCD screen module will result to a black or dark screen display.
This solution shows the components of an LED backlight circuit that is responsible to switch the LED bulb light up on keypad and LCD screen.

Nokia 2710 Navigation Edition Solution for Charging Problem issues on

nokia 7510s baclight LED solution
This guide simply tells us where or which particular spots on the circuit were we are going to check, the LED driver Ic is the one that controls the LED voltage. The Vbat (battery supply voltage) is also needed on the circuit to make it work. There are filter coils in there that is a good spots to start to check with, then down to the LED driver chip's corresponding voltage output that make and feed to the LED bulb to light up.
If all the filter coil is okay, the possible solution is to replace the LED  driver IC.
Do also consider that a LED's also get busted, so check the LED first before trying to check and replace this components.

Nokia 7510 supernova Keypad connections on solution

here's the solution for nokia 7510s keypad problems. This solution shows the complete connection of each keypad keys for easy tracing and troubleshooting keypad failure on the device.

Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1616 Charging problem solution

Nokia 7510s keypad keys connections

And this solution shows as guide on handling the keypad filter IC.
Nokia 7510s keypad IC internal circuit line paths
mokia 7510s keypad Ic jumper ways

Nokia 7510s - for Display problem solution

Here's the solution that shows the internal solder ball bumps connection on Nokia 7510 supernova. This may help as guide to repair Nokia 7510s display problem. These two display filter IC's were mounted at the side of the PCB board near of the RAPS application processor IC.

Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1616 Insert Sim Card Problem Solutions

Nokia 7510s display problem solutions
nokia 7510s LCD display IC jumper ways
This solution guide shows the LCD display filter and keypad filter IC's internal solder ball bumps connections.
If the7510s may shows a black or blank screen, blue screen and white screen display and after making sure that problem on the LCD screen module, you may need to replace either one or both of this two display filter IC's.

Nokia 5610 Display Solution - Hardware repair solution

If you ever  already been tried to replace a new replacement LCD screen and new flex cable wire and nothng happens but the display problem still exists like, black screen display, blue screen display, white screen display, garbled and saturated screen display. 
Before you may proceed, you need to make sure first that the flex cable and the LCD is working fine or you have it tried with new replacement installed but nothing happens.
Note: this solution covers only for hardware repair and may not help on software related issues.

Check the flex cable wire for a cut or damaged.
Here's the solution to fix display problem on Nokia 5610 Xpressmusic Display Problem  hardware repair.
The solution below shows the two display ESD-EMI filter Ic's, these two chips are located below the B2B connector (board to board connector).
This also shows where each certain Display filter solder ball bumps  connected to the B2B connector pins.

Nokia 1800, 1616 LCD Display Problem - Lines and components Test and Tracing spots

 Nokia 5610 LCD display filter IC line path connection to B2B connector
nokia 5610 LCD display IC jumper ways solution
5610 LCD display jumper ways

Before replacing those display filter IC you may check each of its corresponding line path first for ensuring that all the lines is okay. Make a continuity test from the Filter chips solder ball bumps through to a certain pins on the B2B connector. If all the lines is okay, replace those said chips.
See EMIF10-LCD02F3 for which particular models you may also find that display filter ic chips for replacement.

Nokia 7510s Microphone Failure solution on

Here's brief solution for a hardware relalated microphone failure on Nokia 7510s. this solution simply shows the location of microphone components location on the PCB board that might get damaged if the microphone failed to have an audio sound output during transmission.

Nokia 7510s mic problem solutions
The 7510 supernova used a digital microphone components mounted located at the bottom side of the PCB, It composed of 5 terminal which is for the connection of the supply voltage, data signal output, clock signal and groundings. The picture above shows each of the corresponding terminal connection which feeds from or to a chip resistors. This resistors has a resistance value of 100 ohms each.

Nokia 7510s supernova insert sim card problem solution

Hints for repair: check the supply vdd supply voltage, this voltage came from a VSIM second voltage; Look for the vsim voltage location capacitor on the vsim circuit, the other side of that capacitor is where the supply voltage for the microphone came from. Check all the resistors resistance value, replace it if the desired reading of approximately 100 ohms meet. Replace a new microphone if all of the above mention is working  fine.

Nokia 7510s supernova insert sim card problem solution

5A solution for Nokia 7210s insert sim card problem. This problem causes when the device is having a hardware damaged failure on the sim card connection circuit.

Nokia 7510s Insert Sim card solution ( sim card ways)
nokia 7510s insert sim card jumper ways
The solution guide above shows the connection of the Sim card pin connector from the sim card holder socket to the internal solder ball bumps of an IC component which is the power IC. There are 5 connections that needs the sim card to work when inserted, these are the Vsim which the supply voltage of the sim card, the ground connection, the data signal, clock and reset. If one these five connections failed to connect to the sim card module this will result on displaying insert sim card on the LCD screen.

repair tip: ensure that the sim card connector pins are well cleaned and free from corrosion a oxidation, these oftentimes also causes the problem. check the vsim and the reset line paths continuity through to chip capacitors that where it is being connected, check also the grounding pin's continuity to ground lines of the PCB board. Those are the very basic steps to check an insert sim card problem and beyond that it needs to work on the IC component (power IC) on which the line paths where connected internally of the IC component's solder ball bumps.

Nokia C3 Qwerty Keypads Ways and Solution

This solution may help to trace and repair a particular QWERTY keys that  doesn't work or stop responding when press. This guide shows  the layout of the nokia C3 of each corresponding QWERTY keys line paths and connection. Before proceeding to trace of each particular line paths please ensure that the keypad membrane switches is perfectly clean and free from any corrosion and oxidation,  the membrane switches will not having a good contact to the keypads cores if it is corroded. All corresponding
membrane switch keypad must be absolutely clean. You may need a new replacement keypad membrane on it if the membrane switches is damaged and unable to pop up back when press.

Each corresponding keys are divided into group of rows and columns. The outer core layer of the keypad are group into rows and the inner core layer are group into columns. Each rows and columns are connected with each other.

The Nokia C3 silicone rubber keypads

The outer core are group  from 0 to 7 rows. Each color on the picture indicate where that certain keys are connected to a group of rows.

The Outer core connection line paths ( C3 keypad ways )
The inner core layer are group from 0 to 7 columns. Each color on the picture indicate where that certain keys are connected to a group of columns.
The Inner core connection line paths ( C3 keypad ways )
The keypad line paths is connected into an EMI-ESD filter chip which is located at the right side of the main PCB board. This chip  also get damaged and result to keypad malfunction. The picture below shows also the internal connection of the EMI filter chips from each keypads rows and columns.

Hardware Repair Tips for keypads: If just only one or two to four  keys are not working the problem may lies an open or cut connection to it, trace where that certain keys does not work to the particular group of rows or columns it is being connected. You may apply a simple jumper wire on it as an alternative way. If more than five or more keys are not working you may consider that the problem lies on a damaged EMI-ESD filter chip

Nokia 7510s Earpiece speaker solution - PCB board component repair solution

If you are trying to repair the earpiece speaker failure on Nokia 7510 supernova and found out that the earpiece speaker is working fine and think that the problem  lies on the flex cable wire.
This solution is the second step  repair procedure before trying to replace the flex cable wire on it and 
might help to solve also.
 Nokia 7210s Earpiece Speaker PCB component 
and line paths (earpiece speaker ways)
 Just figure out the picture above for it shows the location of particular components such as the chip filter coils and chip resistors that is connected to the earpiece speaker before it goes through the flex cable wire.
If these components is damaged, no matter how many times yo replace the flex cable wire will not solved the earpiece speaker failure  issues. The chip resistor is has a value of zero ohms it means that the said resistor is fusible. You may check the continuity of both chip resistor and filter coil first before trying to install a new replacement flex cable wire on the device.

Nokia 7510s Intgrated Hands Free mode loud speaker solution

This repair solution covered for Nokia 7510 supernova Hands Free Speaker Failure. The speaker failed to have no audio sound output when trying to activate the hands free mode our loud speaker option. This solution simply shows and tell us the location of the spare components that might cause the speaker failure.
Ensure that the Speaker is perfectly working before  trying to use this solution. This solution may only help if the said speaker is working fine.

Nokia 7510s Hands Free Mode / Ringer loud Speaker solution
 nokia 6510s hands free solution
The solution only shows the possible components that might cause the problem if the loud speaker does not have and audio sound output. The components on the layout is composed of the filter coils and a protection filter  that looks like a chip resistor. You may check those certain components by checking the chip filter coils continuity using a multimeter. Those two black colored components are ESD protection resistor, you may check it also if shorted or not, replace it if found shorted, removing it and leave it open, also works but not advisable.

Nokia 7510s Unable to charge repair solution

Here's the solution tp repair Nokia 7510 supernova Charging problem issues. This solution shows the location of the spare components that might get damaged if the device does not respond when a charger is plug-in.

Nokia 7510s Not Charging Solution
nokia 7510s not charging jumper ways solution
From the charging pin terminal the charger positive voltage is feeds across to a chip fuse, if the chip fuse is damaged or busted the battery charger voltage can't get through to the circuit,
make a continuity check on the fuse by using a multimeter, replace it if found damaged.
Check the chip diode if shorted or not, a shorted diode will make the fuse blown out again.
If the chip fuse and chip fuse is working fine and found out that there's no problem on both  it, you may proceed to work on the betty IC,
The betty IC holds and control the charging operation of the cell phone battery.
Re-flow and apply a mild heat first on the betty IC, then check again if the problem was solved.
If the problem still exists, remove the betty IC, trace the corresponding solder ball bumps that is connected to the filter coil (power inductor). If found cut or open and you can manage to apply a jumper wire, then do it, if won't not just leave it and return it to the owner..
If the said line paths is okay you may re-ball the betty IC then in-place and mount it back again.
If the problem still persists, you may then find a new replacement spare betty IC and replace it.

Nokia 2710NE charger not supported solution

This guide shows the location of the Btemp (battery temperature) chip resistor of Nokia 2710 navigation edition that possibly damaged and result to a charger not supported problem.

In Nokia 2710 NE, there are two btemp chip resistor connected in the circuit, these two chip resistor has a resistance value of 47K and located near the Memory card slot holder. by replacing it  can help or fix the problem.