Natural Interaction with Maluuba Do-engine

Everyone search something, and a natural evolution for search is Maluuba,it Helps users to find exactly what they want and help to organize our life in one easily way, and let you what you found to share with your friends, no more filtered web search results now you can speak with your device to tell what application you want to be open or figuring out what keywords to say, Maluuba is a’do-engine’, have a natural interaction because Maluuba understand natural conversations between you and your device, and translates into relevant sharable and organizable results . The dialog is natural and the Maluuba return the things you want. The user interface is user-friendly and give possibility when Maluubam “do-engine” isn’t always appropriate with what we want, have fully touch accessible interface.
Maluuba support 18 different domain categories, and it’s continuously motivated to provide you rich and personalized content.
Malluba it’s an optimal application and offer a new way to search with a user-friendly touch interface.

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