uTorrent for Android:Download with your Phone

Have you ever thought of downloading your favorite files located on torrents directly by your mobile phone?
Now you have the first official uTorrent for Android (Beta).
You can find and download torrents directly on your mobile or tablet, possible to subscribe to the RSS feeds with this application or you can play content directly. The first generation of this new application for mobile, but very used by the PC’s,  is designed to be easy to use, very fast, and making your phone more powerful.
uTorent for Android( Beta) is now free, has no speed limit or limit for size files, with a strong internet connection on wi-fi we can enjoy the full benefits offered by uTorrent for Android.
Now it’s beta version and if you want to give your feedback, you can direct send your email to the owner application at: utandroid@utorrent.com where you can receive support for the application.

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