Nokia 1280 Insert SIM card solution - SIM IC jumper ways

Here's the full solution for Nokia 1280 Insert SIM card problem that it does not accept or detect any SIM card being inserted to it. This solution shows the full line paths or connection tracks of the Nokia SIM circuit, from th SIM pin connector through to the SIM filter IC and to the inner most part of the main chips solder ball bumps.

This solution also shows the  SIM filter IC's solder ball bumps connection which can be used as a guide for easy line paths tracing procedures.

Nokia 1280 Insert SIM Card Solution
 nokia 1280 inser sim card IC jumper ways tracks
Nokia 1280 SIM Filter IC Jumper Ways

By replacing the SIM filter IC can only solve the insert sim card problem on nokia 1280. However, if you are having trouble in finding the replacement of this component, you may just apply a solder jumper on it exactly as the same as how it showed on the solution above.

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