Nokia X6 LCD Display Problem Full Solution

Here's a solution that can be used to fix and repair Nokia X6 Display problem issues like white screen, blue screen, blank screen, garbled and saturated screen displays.. This solution may help if having a LCD display problems and already tried to upgrade or restore the device  firmware and  replaced it with a new LCD module replacements but the problem  still exists.Nokia X3 Display problem solution, Full Display IC Jumper ways Solution

Nokia X6 LCD Display  solution
nokia x6 LCD display IC full jumper ways
There are two voltage supply that also need to the LCD display to work, the 1.8 volts and 2.78 volts.The solution above alao shows particular components that needs to check and replace if found faulty or damaged like the Display  ESD-EMI filter IC.

If those supply voltages seems to be okay and the LCD display ESD-EMI filter IC is working well and already been checked and replaced the solution below shows the next components that also needs to check, rework or replace. On Nokia X6 there is a display controller IC that is being used and connected on the LCD display circuit.

Nokia X6 Display problem solution ( Display controller IC )
nokia x6 White blue blank screen display repair solution
If the LCD display controller chip become faulty or damaged this will also result to a display problem issues on Nokia X6. But before trying to reflow, rework or replaced you  need to check first the three filter coils connected near to it and trace each line paths to the LCD pin connector.

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